ESSENCE Smart Ink Pen for dysgraphia diagnosis at IC Tommaseo
The Tommaseo school in Busto Arsizio greatly helped the ESSENCE project participating in the trial of the Smart Ink Pen for technology-enhanced dysgraphia diagnosis.
The school dean, professor Cristina Parsini, declared that the Tommaseo school is always ready to introduce new tools to support students’ difficulties. Two classes for each grade participated in the experiments all year long, with 500 students involved. Thanks to their help with the ESSENCE project, we are building new standards for dysgraphia diagnosis!
Check the local press here:

Last Project Steering Committee meeting
Thanks for the fruitful, efficient and enjoyable meeting!
The partners of ESSENCE meet in Ljubljana to talk about the most relevant aspects to finish the project.

ESSENCE final event in Italy: innovative tools to help children
The ESSENCE project was disseminated to a wide public of teachers, parents, and health professionals.
Professor Simona Ferrante talked about the role of technology in the early screening of specific learning disabillities.
Professor Nicola Basilico talked about the potentiality of remote neuropsychological tests.
Simone Toffoli and Stefania Fontolan talked about the smart ink pen to analyze children’s handwriting abilities.

ESSENCE final event in Italy: the importance of the early screening of specific learning disabilities
We had three interesting talks on the IndiPote(dn)S project. IndiPote(dn)S is a precursor of the ESSENCE project, aimed at the early identification (individuazione) and training (potenziamento) of specific learning disabilities (disturbi del neurosviluppo). An early intervention has the potential of helping children better (indi potes = so you can).
Professor Cristiano Termine talked about the importance of the early identification of specific learning disabilities.
Simonetta Bralia and Luigi Macchi talked about a pedagogical view for an alliance between school, families, health service and social service.
Marisa Bortolozzo and Anna Monguzzi talked about the experience in the schools.

ESSENCE final event in Italy: authorities to support the project
Several authorities were present to the final event in Italy, to support the ESSENCE project.
- Raffaele Cattaneo, undersecretary for International Relationships, Lombardy Region
- Samuele Astuti, counsellor, Lombardy Region
- Emanuele Monti, counsellor, Lombardy Region
- Alessandro Fermi, assessor of University, Innovation and Research, Lombardy Region
- Elena Lucchini, assessor of Family, Social solidarity, Disability and Equal opportunities
- Alessandra Locatelli, Italian Ministry of Disability
Health authorities:
- Camilla Callegari, director of Mental Health department, ASST Sette Laghi
- Anna Iadini, responsible for Medical Direction, ASST Sette Laghi
- Chiara Federigi, manager of ATS Insubria
School authorities:
- Giuseppe Carcano, manager of Territorial School Office
PSC Meeting in Ljubljana
On 18th and 19th of April 2023 we are meeting for our last PSC meeting to discuss about the final pilot results and ESSENCE added value for Children and Seniors. We are proud of our effort!

ESSENCE at the Neuroethics workshop
Professor Simona Ferrante, ESSENCE coordinator, presented the activities performed to help both Seniors and Children.

ESSENCE at the Neuroethics workshop
On April 11th, the ESSENCE use case will be presented at the Neuroethics workshop organized by Politecnico di Milano.

ESSENCE final event in Italy
We are excited to invite everybody to the final event of the ESSENCE project in Italy. We will discuss about the role of technology in helping children with learning difficulties.
When: April 14th, 2023
Where: Great Hall of “Curie” High School, Via Monsignor Brioschi, Tradate (VA)
How: Book your place at THIS link

ESSENCE at EducaMente
On March 30th, we were in Torrejoncillo talking about ESSENCE at the V Health Fair EDUCA MENTE. Attendees told us that they enjoyed so much and they would love to participate in future lines.

ESSENCE final event in Spain
On March 22nd, we talked about the ESSENCE project and some programmes of active and healthy ageing developed in Extremadura. Thanks to the speakers and the staff of Fundesalud for this awesome day.

ESSENCE final event in Spain
We are excited to invite everybody to the final event of the ESSENCE project in Spain on March 27th. We will discuss about the role of technology in helping seniors for a healthy aeging.

ESSENCE is Back to a Healthy Future!
Our team participated in the Back to a Healthy Future event in Brussels, showcasing the project in this wonderful opportunity organized by Inno4Cov-19 and Covid-X.

ESSENCE Smart Ink Pen for dysgraphia screening
500 children from first to fifth grade from IC Tommaseo school (Busto Arsizio, VA) are leveraging Smart Ink Pens to execute handwriting tests.
Italian National Guidelines on dysgraphia diagnosis claim for the introduction of technology in the diagnostic process to understand the reasons behind handwriting problems. Normative data are required to understand deviations.
Thanks to children, teacher and school dean. We are building new standards for dysgraphia screening!
ESSENCE Project’s functional tests in Extremadura (Spain)
During the first week of May, the pre-pilot of the ESSENCE Project was carried out in the ServiMayor Nursing Home, in Losar de la Vera (Cáceres). The functionalities of the online platform on which the project has been working for the last two years were evaluated.
The evaluations were carried out by Politecnico di Milano (project coordinator), Università degli Studi di Milano, SXT – Sistemi per Telemedicina and the Foundation for Research and Training of Health Professionals of Extremadura (FundeSalud) with the participation of some ServiMayor users who were in charge of testing the different functionalities of the platform.
This phase of the study has been disseminated through different media: Canal Extremadura, TVE, HOY newspaper and press office of the Ministry of Health and Social Services at the Government of Extremadura.
ESSENCE is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union that aims to promote the development of a model of home care for the elderly.
The different functionalities are organised within the Community Based Activity Centre (CBAC), an online platform consisting of several levels: physical and mental stimulation, remote monitoring, telecare with health professionals and the connection between users, relatives and professionals.
The devices that the users will use in the project, provided by FundeSalud and the other partners of the consortium, are a smart pen, a tablet, a computer with a camera and their own smartphone.
The next step will be to start the pilot in the homes of 60 people living in Extremadura. To organise this pilot, a meeting will be held in Milan on 9 and 10 June.
The ESSENCE project started in November 2020 and it will have a duration of 30 months.

End of the school year for ESSENCE Children
We have just finished an intense school year with children that participated in the Pilot. They received diplomas and gadgets, and a new version of the training games: they will have all the summer to collect coins that will allow them to personalize Bianchetto when the school will reopen! We are looking forward to it!
Children are welcoming ESSENCE researchers
Children were enthusiastic about being involved into the project: they interviewed the “scientists” and they drew their experience in amazing pictures.

Pre-pilot with children
We are trying ESSENCE functionalities with two primary school classes, and the feedback is really good!
Check the local news:
“Informazione online”, 10/11/2021

Investigating COVID-19 impact on children
“Investigating the effects of COVID-19 lockdown on Italian children and adolescents with and without neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study” just published on Current Psychology.
Click here to read it.

Best Poster Award
“A serious game to anticipate handwriting difficulties screening through visual perception assessment” won the best poster award at the 15th European Conference on Game Based Learning.
The full poster is available at ECGBL page.

Save the date
The next Project Steering Committee will take place on September 13th, blended.

ESSENCE on Platinum
Learn more about ESSENCE!
From July 19th, you can read about the project on Platinum “Aziende & Protagonisti” both online at and at the newsstand with “Il Sole 24 Ore” newspaper.
English version is coming soon.

May 2021 PSC meeting
We just had our PSC meeting on the 18th and 19th of May
We are moving forward on designing and integrating different functionalities to support seniors and children during COVID-19 times.
Keep in touch for more details!

European Week of Regions and Cities 2021
Proud and excited to officially announce that we are a partner of the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities 2021! Stay tuned for news about our event!

Save the date
The next Project Steering Committee will take place on May 18th and 19th, blended, together with the first blended integration meeting.

Digital Week – Friday 19th 5-6 PM
Here you can find the program for the ESSENCE workshop:
ESSENCE – Ecosistemi Digitali Domiciliari per Bambini ed Anziani
5.00-5.10 PM: Introduction to the workshop and to the ESSENCE project – Prof. Simona Ferrante
5.10-5.20 PM: ESSENCE Senior Ecosystem: how to stimulate monitor and connect seniors at home – Prof. Alberto Borghese
5.20-5.30 PM: ESSENCE Child Ecosystem: Technology at the service of learning – Prof. Simona Ferrante
5.30-5.40 PM: Handwriting: a smart ink pen for transparent monitoring – Francesca Lunardini, PhD
5.40-6.00 PM: Q&A
Click here for more details.

Postdoctoral Associate in Biomedical Sciences
FundeSalud (Government of Extremadura) is offering a postdoctoral position to work in the Public Healthcare System in Extremadura, Spain. Position is funded for 18 months (51,000 EUR gross salary) with a potential extension if funding is obtained for a final stabilization. Applicants should find a mentor in the Healthcare System and submit a project proposal together with their CV.
DEADLINE: March 31st, 2021
For more details, click here.

ESSENCE at Milano Digital Week 2021
ESSENCE will be presented at Milano Digital Week on Friday, 19th March 2021, at 17:00 (GMT+1).
The event will be held on Zoom. Click here for more information.
Stay tuned!

February 2021 PSC meeting
The Project Steering Committee ended with lots of ideas and work to do for the next months.
Here is (part of) our beautiful team.
We are looking forward to see Essence alive!

Save the date
The next Project Steering Committee will take place on February 11th and 12th, online.

Ethical Advisory Board
On December 14th 2020 ESSENCE Ethical Advisory Board (EAB) was set up, and will be lead by professor Stefano Bonometti.
During the development of the project, the Consortium will fully respect and promote the values of freedom, autonomy, integrity and dignity of the person, social solidarity and justice, including fairness of access. The Ethical Advisory Board (EAB) is appointed by the consortium in order to monitor the conformity of the project to the ethical standards, analysing all the ethical issues of the project: data protection, privacy, ethical submission, gender issues, communication. Indeed, all the research activities involving ethical issues will be monitored by the EAB.

ESSENCE is starting
On November 9th and 10th 2020 Essence has kicked-off.
Nine partners from from Italy, Spain, France, Cyprus, Slovenia and Israel will cooperate to transform Covid-19 into an opportunity to help those who suffer more in lockdown: elderlies and children.
Under the guide of professor Simona Ferrante, the roadmap towards ESSENCE goals is drawn.

Welcome to ESSENCE
Thirteen projects which have digital tools and Artificial Intelligence at the heart of their innovative approaches will deliver new solutions to protect healthcare workers, quickly detect and prevent the spread of COVID-19, and improve intensive care – all to contribute to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is the European Commission welcome to the projects which will leverage innovation to defeat Covid-19. ESSENCE is proudly one of them. Discover the others here.
Contacts or follows us on:
- E-mail:
- Phone: +39 0223999004